

This blog exists to save my friends and family from rambling emails. It exists as an outlet of any and all inspiration that might befall me. Most of the content will probably be related to Jesus in some way, although not all.

The verse at the top of the page is from Proverbs and serves as a mission statement for Thoughts on... It is my hope of what readers of this blog will experience. As you read I pray that you would be challenged to think and maybe even grow. It is not my desire or purpose to write things that everyone will agree with, and please use the comments application to dialog with me on any point of disagreement or clarification. Iron sharpening iron is two ways.

On My Nightstand
This gadget is there to let the reader know the sources of my inspiration. Here you will find any book that I am currently reading. I do not have listed the Bible because that should go without saying, and it would take up room. Any book listed in this section is linked to to serve as a catalyst for reading on the reader's part. Amazon, you can thank me later once the business you receive becomes frequent.

For Further Study
For Further Study contains other web sites and or blogs that the reader my find interesting based on their interest in Thoughts on... My review blog is linked there as well.

Right now that's all she wrote, or all I wrote. I hope you enjoy the blog, and happy reading.