
22 August 2008


In a world where it is increasingly difficult to find forms of media (T.V. shows, films, books, etc.) that have any depth or transcendent meaning, know that everything has a meaning. Some things have a good and/or virtuous meaning and others have no other meaning to display other than life is meaningless.

Largely the meaning behind a certain book or film is hidden and as such it goes unnoticed. We still ascribe to whatever meaning a film or book might portray but we are unwilling or unable to engage these forms of media beyond merely witnessing them. What I mean is we simply read a book to participate in a "mindless" activity, or we just want to "turn our brains off" and watch T.V. But my challenge to those all of us, especially those who wish to find depth and meaning is not to "turn off your brains" while doing "mindless" activities. If you are nothing else in your daily life be thoughtful. Thinking about everything we hear and see is one of the most important things we can fill our day with. The bible speaks about praying without ceasing, yet in order to be prayerful all the time you must be engaged in what is happening around you, which requires a sound analysis of life (e.i. thought). And if you are a believer you will begin to see the fingerprints of God all around you and you might even discover that films and books and such, that aren't overt in their theology are fraught with symbols and imagery that point to Christ.

If you are an unbeliever, one who is not a Christian, I believe that if and when you begin to engage the world around you thoughtfully you begin to see that life is not a random accident but there is order to the way things work and there are principles of living that make life more full and bring greater meaning to life. However if you refuse to think about your world then life will simply be a series of random accidents and then you die. But I believe we all know that there is a purpose to life here on earth, yet without thinking deeply throughout one's day that purpose will remain elusive.

The God who created us in his image created us to think as rational beings. Do not let anyone take away your right to think freely. If we are constantly "turning off our brains" we are handing over our right to think freely. And every time we do we lose a little bit more of our ability to think well. Thinking is a skill and as with any other skill it must be practiced and honed and there is a progression to becoming a "good" thinker. The beginning of that progression and my only concern here is that we actually begin to think constantly. Now what the conclusion of our thinking is is not necessarily the measure of a bad or good thinker, but it is the process of thinking, and the level of skill at which you operate that will make you a bad or good thinker. What I mean is if you truly think something through with honesty and well reasoned arguments your conclusion will be difficult to dispute. However if you barely think through something or use poor reasoning or base it merely off of what you have heard, then even if you come to the right conclusion it does not mean you are a good thinker, you have simply learned to repeat someone else's opinions.

So when it comes to politics, think. And when it comes to philosophy, think. And when comes to watching The Office or American Idol, be thinking.

1 comment:

Brandon and Jenny said...

Usually, when I got to watch the Office while we were in the States I thought. I thought, "this is very funny." :-)

One of the neatest things about being a believer is that we are able, because of the indwelling Spirit, to think beyond human ability - to have the mind of Christ. And we are also able, in the same moment, to engage our heart in our thinking and combine the mind of Christ with His heart. Something which is often thought of as opposing instead leads to depth and creativity.

Good thoughts.