
16 July 2010


I have a good job. I like the people I work with and my boss is a great boss. I get paid well for what I do and my benefits are perfect for my needs. That being said I want out. But to do what?

Having recently graduated I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do when I grow up. I know what I would like to do, but who is going to pay me for that? So do I just work somewhere to make money and then do what I really want to do on the side? But then how come all of these other people get paid to do what they really want to do? After all of these thoughts and more run through my head I am too emotionally drained to fill out applications and work on my resume.

Underneath all of the specifics of my situation are foundational questions such as, what should we expect from work? Solomon said that toiling is basically vanity. Some people have a God given ability to thrive at and enjoy their work, reap the benefits of their toil. Others just don't have that ability, they work and work hard and never enjoy it. In the end death comes to both and after they are gone no one will remember them or their work. At this Solomon says the most we can hope for is to eat, drink and be merry in our toil.

Paul paints a similar picture of work for us. He tells the readers of his letters that they should work hard and quietly. Christians are to be productive so that they can live peaceful dignified lives in this world. I think it is funny how today we see Paul as a first century itenerate evangelist/church planter. Paul was a tent maker for Jesus. He tells the Theselonians that he wanted to work with his hands so as not to burden them. Yes he was primarily a planter of churches but that was not his profession. He worked at sharing and spreading the gospel as a tent maker.

I think the real question we should ask regarding work is what do I spread the gospel as?

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